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The Mis Understood




Wildlife Needs Our Help

This in from Wolfwatcher on Facebook
WE NEED YOUR HELP! Vote/Share to OPPOSE S.3525 AND HR.4089   Senate Bill 3525 (Sportsmen’s Act of 2012), advanced on Sept. 22, when the Senate voted 84-7 for the motion to proceed for a November vote.  As you know, this bill and its Hous…

e companion bill H.R. 4089 (The “Sportsmen’s Heritage Act of 2012”) combines several anti-wildlife and anti-wild lands proposals into a single VERY dangerous bill.  If SB 3525 passes the Senate vote in November, it will move to conference with HR 4089 and be close to passing to the President for signature. Among other terrible measures:
1 – much of the national park system would be opened to hunting, fishing, and trapping, and that off-road vehicle use could expand greatly in backcounty areas, including officially designated wilderness.
2 –  it prevents federal agencies from reviewing the impacts of hunting on non-tartget species or their habitats under the National Environmental Policy Act
3 – it  would also open the door to new logging, mining and extraction of fossil fuels on public lands – a measure that has the potential to gut the Antiquities Act which gives the President of the United States, by executive order, the power to restrict the use of particular public lands owned by the federal government
4 – it amends the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) to allow for the importation of polar bear “trophies” from Canada that are presented as having been taken prior to the May 2008 Endangered Species Act listing.
5 – it removes the ability of the EPA to protect wildlife and people from lead poisoning through toxic ammunition exposure.
PLEASE ACT AND SHARE TODAY: Sign in to Wolfwatcher’s Legislative Campaign and vote to OPPOSE these bills. When doing so, your vote sends an immediate email to your senator and representative telling them your position.